How to have more JOY in your life

behavioral change create joy enjoy successful change Jan 31, 2024
How to have more JOY in your life

enjoy = en-joy

'Enjoy' is an interesting, somewhat strange word ... why?
Because the way we use it today is different to its original meaning, almost the opposite.

We now mainly use it to mean 'receiving joy' from something or 'having delight'.
However, the origin of the word comes from Old French, 'EN-JOY' ... which means to 'GIVE' or to 'MAKE' joy.

Today when we seek enjoyment, most of us are expecting it to happen to us, instead of creating it ourselves.

be proactive - create & give joy

I have to confess, until about 15 years' ago, I used the generally accepted meaning of ENJOY i.e. to receive or find joy.
Until a wise mentor explained the intended concept of the word, and the underlying implication: if you want to live a long, happy and fulfilling life, you need to CREATE and GIVE joy.

I believe we should revert to using the word in line with its original meaning, and act upon it accordingly. Be more proactive in creating joy for yourself AND others, in all parts of your life ... don't wait for it to come to you.

do what you enjoy / enjoy what you do 

In my workshops and coaching, I frequently advocate that in work and life, it's important to 'do what you enjoy' for as much as possible ... and what I mean is: focus on the talents/activities that give you joyful feelings, ones that are creating joy, at least for you. And if you are feeling more joyful, this will inevitably be passed on to others around you.

And when you can't be doing things you enjoy, always try to 'enjoy what you're doing', whatever it is ... even when you're busy doing things you don't like ... do them with a smile, look for the positives, identify where you might be creating joy for others by doing these activities.

And if you ever find yourself saying: "I'm not enjoying this ...... (job, life, relationship, situation, etc)" ... then focus on what you could change/create/do ... to MAKE joy for yourself and GIVE joy to others.

actions to create more joy

There are endless ways to do this, here are a few simple ones:

  • smile a lot ... at other people, and also at yourself whenever you see your reflection
  • give people genuine compliments, freely and frequently
  • show gratitude, say thank you ... for big things and small things
  • lend a helping hand ... and be a good listener
  • offer people a 'shoulder to cry on' ... be kind, show empathy
  • have 'YES' days ... say "yes" to things that will take you out of your comfort zone
  • run lots of 'extra miles' ... surprise people, do things for them that you haven't been asked for

The interesting thing is, when you make & give joy to others, you automatically receive it ... 'give a smile, get a smile' principle.

I wish you much EN-JOYMENT, today and every day.

extra tip

For a great explanation of the 'do what you enjoy/enjoy what you do' approach, watch this Matthew McConaughey video from 05:00 - 06:40: 5 rules for the rest of your life
btw, the entire video (13:49) is well worth watching, imho.

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