Unlock Your Hidden Potential 

Turbocharge Your Work Today With Our Transformational Signature Program





You're not alone.


Most people feel trapped in a cycle of average productivity and increased stress.


But what if it didn’t have to be this way?
What if you could end each day feeling invigorated, having achieved more than you thought possible?


Discover Your Purpose

Increase Your Energy

Manage Your Motivation

Turbocharge Your Work

Unlock The Keys To Supercharging Your Work Days!


Picture This... 

Finishing every day at work with a big smile on your face, feeling both satisfied and fulfilled because of everything you’ve achieved during the day.

Having more impact and adding more value than ever before, you've tackled your day with purpose and energy, leaving no room for procrastination.

You’re brimming with pride as colleagues are inspired by your newfound energy and motivation.

Sounds pretty great right?

This could be your everyday reality. 

In the program you will:

  • Gain Insights Into The 4 Types of Personal Energy That You Can Utilise At Any Time

  • Understand How To Recharge Throughout Your Days

  • Learn How To Boost Your Productivity & Energy With Our Proven Tools

  • Discover Techniques To Kick-Start Your Day

  • Discover Your Purpose And How To Harness It's Power

  • Learn How To Maintain Focus For Enhanced Efficiency

  • Concretely Identify Your Work Talents 

  • Understand Your Motivation Factors And How To Keep On Top Of Them



Turbocharge Your Work

Our easy-to-follow and instantly transformational signature online program that will guide you through a proven process to unleash more of your potential and Turbocharge Your Work!

Unleashing More Of Your Potential At Work

That’s what this journey is all about.

In 11 online video sessions we’ll help you discover your purpose, manage your motivation and increase your energy.

This will result in increased satisfaction, happiness, and the impact you will create!

And that’s a promise!

Each online session consists of a 5-15 minute video, plus exercises to be completed before you embark upon the session. These exercises will help you put things into action.

You’ll quickly notice how you can start implementing things in practice. Within days, you'll experience the positive effects. 

When you’ve completed the Journey, you’ll have established the basis for consistently being in control of your fulfilment and happiness at work. 

What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Turbocharge Your Work

Today Just €149

One Easy Payment For Lifetime Access


Don't Miss Out On Our Special Launch Pricing!

Let's take a closer look at what's inside the program

Warm Up Sessions

In the two warm-up sessions, you’ll find out everything you need to know before you launch into the journey so that you set yourself up for success.

Session 1: The Power of Purpose

In this session, you'll focus on the four types of energy. All four types are equally important. But there’s something key you need to understand!

Session 2: Discovering Your Purpose At Work

In session 2, you’ll learn how to identify possible personal 'Purpose Moments'. These are the moments that make an ordinary day, a great day.

Session 3: The Work Purpose Scorecard

Learn how to plant positive thoughts in your head - from the comfort of your own bed - to help set yourself up for a great day. Simple, but very powerful!

Session 4: Increasing Your Purpose At Work

Every day has the potential to be a great day. It’s in your hands and this session shows you how, along with two essential energy boosting tips.

Session 5: Implementation

This session is all about reflection. How you are feeling and recognising all the progress you have made. It's time for a big pat on the back!

Session 6: Identifying Your Favourite Talents

The main focus in this sessions is identifying your Favourite Work-related Talents. The things you enjoy doing, ones that give you a real buzz and energize you.

Session 7: The Power Of Motivation

If you really want to Turbocharge Your Work, it’s key to identify your personal Motivation Factors to increase satisfaction and boost your energy.

Session 8: Boosting Your Energy

In this session you'll discover the 4 Energy Zones and learn how important it is to recharge and replenish your energy levels so you don't burn-out.

Session 9: The Action

In this final session, you'll create an action plan so that you can maintain momentum by executing a small number of specific actions on a regular basis.


Hi, I’m Richard Maddocks

I am the driving force behind UPe-A, bolstered by a team of industry experts who enhance our business and products.

With years of experience, I've transformed challenges into actionable strategies, benefiting thousands.

As an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and former business executive, I've dedicated 21 years to training professionals, fueling my passion to unlock their potential and I am excited to now bring this passion to life in our signature online program - Turbocharge Your Work!


Brian Germano,

Coach and L&D Professional

I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Turbocharge Your Work. It’s more than just an online program, it’s a catalyst to unlocking your full potential. Whether you’re looking to spark new ideas or refine skills, TYW is a must have … it’s a game-changer. The insightful rich content and pragmatic implementable exercises make it a go-to resource for anyone who wants to have more impact, more energy and increased satisfaction at work.

Christa Taris,

Makeup Artist (Theatre & Film)

Turbocharge Your Work is really helping me shape the direction I want to go in, to focus my development and understand how to progress more rapidly.

It was fun to follow the TYW program, really engaging; it also gave me lots of extra self-awareness and new insights ... and on top of this, I now have some valuable tools to keep using ... perfect!

Willem van Enter,

Business Leader

One word to describe this product: brilliant! Well done, Richard ... you’ve managed to take many excellent proven things from previous programs like Drive Your Talents, and combine these with lots of new high-impact elements ... and have created a world-class e-learning journey, Turbocharge Your Work. I’m truly impressed with the quality of the product, and equally so with the results ... IT WORKS!!

Merel Brouwer,

Coach and Trainer

Richard’s programs are always high impact: the content is uniquely insightful, immensely valuable; the ideas and exercises he shares are pragmatic, immediately implementable. I’m genuinely impressed that the TYW online program achieves the same level of results as his live workshops ... the videos in particular are very engaging and make for compelling viewing ... you want to keep following the program and learn more!

Stephan Bosman,


Seldom will you meet someone like Richard - such a warm, grounded, connected, engaged and energizing person that consistently inspires everybody with whom he interacts. He is a true ‘Leader as Healer’ and helps you perfectly understand how to Turbocharge yourself and your Work. When Richard presented an online workshop for our SDG ecosystem, the feedback was through the roof!

Artwin Kreekel,

Journalist / Editor

Thank you for delivering on your promise with the Turbocharge Your Work (TYW) e-learning program, Richard. The things I’ve learned and put into practice have already significantly increased my work-satisfaction and the value and impact I’m now providing in my job. I highly recommend everyone follow the TYW program!

JĂźrgen Heyman,


The Turbocharge Your Work program is excellent!  After experiencing Richard ‘live’ I was impressed by the way he highly energized and activated people. I also observed how he managed to have the same effect when delivering online programs to audiences through Zoom and MS Teams ...and now he has managed to achieve the same impact with this e-learning product...amazing!

Simon Tyler,

Coach and Author

Richard is one of a kind … his wisdom and expertise, his approach and impact enable people to believe in and take steps to unleash their potential. And now, brilliantly, he has applied his mastery in creating this online program, "Turbocharge Your Work"... which reliably does exactly what it says on the box! It inspires and assists people through providing action-oriented, tangible and practical steps to turn hopes and aspirations into reality. 

Meet Richard

Program creator and host Richard Maddocks explains a little more about the program and what it could mean for you!


How do I know if I'm ready?


Perfect for you if: 

  • You're driven to unleash more of your fabulous potential.
  • You're fed up with feeling tired and not completely fulfilled at the end of the day.
  • You want to have more impact, more energy and be happier at work (and in life 😀)

Not for you if:

  • You're content with being average.
  • You aren’t willing to invest in personal growth.
  • You’re not interested in enjoying more of your life.

100% Risk Free Guarantee!

We are so confident in the transformative power of our online program that we offer you a 100% Risk-Free Guarantee. We want you to embark on this journey with complete peace of mind, knowing that your satisfaction is our top priority. If for any reason, within 14 days from your enrolment date, you find that our program doesn't meet your expectations, simply get in touch and we will promptly process a full refund - no questions asked.

Bert Boers,

Senior Vice President

Richard’s inspirational personal and professional development programs have helped and motivated many hundreds of colleagues in my teams across France, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. His workshops are consistently characterised by the pragmatic approach and high impact results he achieves in assisting people to permanently unleash more of their potential. It’s good to know that many more people around the world will now be able to access and benefit from his powerful offerings through the Unleash Potential e-Academy.

Frank van Vliet,

Senior Business Executive

I’ve had the pleasure of personally participating in several of Richard’s ‘Unleashing Potential’ programs and without exception, they were all highly energizing, very insightful, pragmatic, and immediately useable. More than 600 people from my teams spread across different European countries, USA and India also attended some of his workshops, (live and online), and every time the feedback was amazingly positive: high impact, value and effectiveness. It’s really super that his offerings are starting to become available for anyone anywhere, through his e-learning platform.

Frequently Asked Questions