A Foolproof Way To Ensure Your New Year's Resolutions Don't Fail

active template behavioral change execution good habit i will vs i do new year resolution successful change Jan 15, 2024
A foolproof way to stick to your New Year's resolutions

80% Of New Year’s Resolutions Fail!!

Research shows that 23% are dumped in week 1 ... 43% by end of January ... and 80% or more within 3 months. WHY??

Of course, there are several reasons ... but the primary one (by a loooong way) is that behavioral
change is one of the most difficult challenges humans ever face.

Your Desire To Change

And often, what starts off with a very good intention and desire to change something in your life,
fades away into oblivion ... execution and follow-through are not easy, the biggest gaps in the world
are between “I will” and “I do”.

I always think it’s such a waste of effort, time and energy ... why not use this for other things? OR adopt an approach that hugely increases the chance of success in sticking to your NY Resolution, and achieving the desired result.

How You Can Change Your Behaviors

If you want to change behaviors or implement new ones, creating Rituals is an essential first step.

A Ritual is a consciously practiced routine, something you execute according to a pre-defined plan.

When you regularly practice a Ritual in a consistent manner, it will slowly and surely become established as a good Habit in your daily life … a non-conscious routine, like brushing your teeth. And remember, one good Habit is worth a thousand good intentions!

If you want to create a good Habit, it’s important to first create a Ritual.

I’ve developed a simple template called A.C.T.I.V.E to help you achieve this … it’s been successfully used by thousands of people during recent years.

Free Downloadable Resource!

You can DOWNLOAD it here!

Choose your most important NY Resolution and try it out … you’ll be amazed how it enables you to stay on track.

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