Start believing in the power of

Discover how to activate your potential and
turn it into your reality

Start believing in the power of

Discover how to activate your potential and
turn it into your reality

Free! Get two of my most popular 'Energy Boosters' from my international best-selling book, ‘The Energy Book’

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DO you ever feel stuck, knowing deep inside that you're capable of more?

Perhaps you feel bound by invisible barriers that limit you from achieving your full potential?


This struggle is all too common.

At UPe-A, we believe in the power of possibilities, and more importantly,
in your ability to realize them.


We understand that sometimes the only thing standing between you and your
aspirations is the right guidance, tools, and resources.

Our mission? To provide you with precisely that.

Increased fulfilment

Elevated energy levels

More fun in your work & life

Development of your talents

A desire for more impact


Activate Your Potential, Release It ... And Turn It Into Your Reality!

All too often, we think of potential as something that is innate. You have it or you don’t. If you haven’t already discovered it, you may think it’s inaccessible to you. 

That’s because we start in the wrong place. 

We measure our potential by our current state rather than considering the possibility of a future state and instead, we need to use our imagination to think about what we can BE.

We should stop thinking about developing personal potential as taking steps to increase what we can DO … personal potential should focus more on what we can BE.

You Are Capable Of Becoming More Than You Are Now.

You already have, within you, the power to expand your capacity, stretch your boundaries, and reach beyond where you are today.

Being what you want to be is not the same as doing what you can do.

The first action is to start the process ... the time is now. 

There is no point in waiting, no reason to delay. 

Your greatness is yours (and yours alone!) to discover, access, and use. So why wait to be great? 

Picture a version of yourself who's not just achieving goals but surpassing them. 

Imagine waking up each day, filled with energy, purpose, and a clear path to success. With the skills and insights gained from UPe-A, this vision is not just a dream but a reality within your grasp.


The Unleash Potential e-Academy

At the Unleash Potential e-Academy, we’re currently creating several digital products (we call them ‘Journeys’) to accelerate the process of unleashing potential.

They’re based upon 21 years of experience creating and delivering face-2-face and online workshops for more than 13,000 people around the world.

For a long time, we have wanted to make our proven products and methods accessible to a much wider global audience - and to individuals in addition to organizations - so that we can provide our inspiring programs that unleash people's potential, wherever they are located and whatever their situation. 

With this new digital platform, we’re very excited to already be able to offer you the first Journey that is now available:

Turbocharge Your Work!

This comprehensive program encapsulates two decades of knowledge into actionable insights, setting you on the fast track to success. And this is just the beginning!



I’ve had the pleasure of personally participating in several of Richard’s ‘Unleashing Potential’ programs and without exception, they were all highly energizing, very insightful, pragmatic, and immediately useable. More than 600 people from my teams spread across different European countries, USA and India also attended some of his workshops, (live and online), and every time the feedback was amazingly positive: high impact, value and effectiveness. It’s really super that his offerings are starting to become available for anyone anywhere, through his e-learning platform.

Frank van Vliet,

Senior Business Executive


Richard’s inspirational personal and professional development programs have helped and motivated many hundreds of colleagues in my teams across France, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. His workshops are consistently characterised by the pragmatic approach and high impact results he achieves in assisting people to permanently unleash more of their potential. It’s good to know that many more people around the world will now be able to access and benefit from his powerful offerings through the Unleash Potential e-Academy.

Bert Boers,

Senior Vice President (global software company)

Hi, I’m Richard Maddocks

I am the creator of the Academy, and an internationally recognized inspirational speaker, training-workshop leader, conference moderator, coach, author of ‘The Energy Book’ and a former senior business executive.

However I too once grappled with the challenges of feeling stuck, knowing I was limited somehow and feeling like I could achieve more. But after years of perseverance, learning, and innovation, I distilled a wealth of knowledge into actionable strategies that not only transformed my life, but have since gone on to empower thousands of others too.

During the last 21 years, as a trainer, I have assisted thousands of professionals to experience increased fulfilment, impact and happiness in their professional and personal lives … driven by my huge passion for helping individuals, teams and organizations to unleash more of their potential.

For a long time, I have had a burning desire to make our proven products and methods accessible to a much wider global audience. To provide pragmatic actionable implementable ways to individuals (as well as organizations) to unleash their potential, wherever they are located. With this new digital platform, my dream is finally becoming reality!

These new digital products (we call them ‘Journeys’) have been designed from scratch, using specifically chosen building blocks that have for many years been proven to provide significant value … and we've integrated these with new program elements, which have been tried and successfully tested during recent years.

Now, it's your turn.

Get In Touch!